"Social Media"
Facebook- "Undressing and Dressing Media"
This compilation of social media scrolls closely examines the media’s obsession with American celebrity culture and stardom, especially with events like the Met Gala, in which stars flaunt the latest Avant-garde fashion trends by well-known and up-and-coming designers. This piece also highlights the emphasis that is put on bodies and body image in overstimulated media culture, especially with apps like Facebook and Instagram. What does it mean to dress up in media? What does it mean to be open and closed towards media when utilizing both mind and body, whether that delves into the design of distraction blinders or open provocative displays of attracting attention, fame, and stardom—the possibilities are endless and hold a toll over human psychology.
Youtube- "Peppa for President!"
Projection Mapping Animation- Long Format Experimentation. Youtube is just one big click-hole into the explosiveness of humanity and how easily hooked we can get into this culture that it becomes our belief.

Instagram- "Real Life Gram"-
Medium- Glow-in-the-Dark Paintings, demonstrating the looming presence of screens and feeds when maximized to their "value" in real life.