Red Bull
"Sponsored by Red Bull"
Activation and Personal Story
An installation I set up on RISD campus, after drinking 22 Red Bulls the night before my senior thesis was due. It is a self-portrait symbolizing my age, a critique of "hyper-patriotic" American culture, consumerism and mass production, and my current mood as a manic college student in search of revitalized energy. During this exhibition, I openly distributed free Red Bull to college students and members of the Providence community, inviting them to accessibly view the artwork in a relaxed, outdoor space. The purpose of the installation is to inspire audience members to pick up a can of Red Bull and admire the electric creativity that ensues through the consumption of the drink. "Sponsored by Red Bull" also serves as a critique of consumerist, American advertising culture representing our desire for youth and vitality and constant need to feel energized!